Jewfish on Lures: Lessons Learnt

The last couple of years have been a happy blur of fishing, photography and writing... but mostly fishing. And the bulk of that angling time has been spent pursuing jewfish or mulloway on lures off the rocks in northern NSW. Sure, it can be hard-going at times, but the rewards are certainly there for those with the time and inclination.

Sadly, this post also coincides with the last-ever print edition of FishLife magazine. The demise of premium print publications in Australia, particularly in niche industries like fishing, is a growing trend and a reflection of the increasing challenges faced by publishers. Even the major operators are feeling the pinch of falling magazine sales and reduced spending from advertisers. It’s an unfortunate commercial reality, and such a shame. I’ll certainly miss my quarterly hit of hard copy FishLife goodness. And yes, that is a tailor on the cover of the final issue...  Vivé le chopper.